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Open Amdocs Technical Blog

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We operate in a domain that requires us to learn and adapt in order to excel. Promoting our ideas, leading and impacting our industry has always been a challenge, but it is something we know how to do. Market forces has tossed us into the bleeding pool of managing open...

The breakthrough of virtualization technology in the field of telecom has been accompanied by a host of possibilities for provisioning network services as virtual functions to the customers. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) limits the amount of physical effort required in onboarding hardware devices at customer premises and replaces them with...

"Why do these buttons look different? Why are the link colors not the same? Why is this icon's hover color a different shade of grey?" – Just a selection from the (vindicated) complaints we are all used to hearing from our UX/UI designers, customers, managers, and just strangers that see...

Amdocs Zusammen uses collaboration aware store as part of its backend. When it comes to collaboration, a version control system in general, and Git in particular seems a natural choice. But how well does it perform?

Ever since I started working as a member of Amdocs' NFV Front End team, the main flaw of our development environment was our unit testing ecosystem. While using React, Redux and Webpack provided a fast and reliable development experience (with such cool features such as Hot Module Replacement, react-devtools and...