
Zusammen logging has the following features:

  1. The hosting application can enable Zusammen logging as part of its own logging mechanism.
  2. The plug-ins are able to log events.
  3. The logging performed by the plug-in can be toggled to prevent misbehaving plug-ins from flooding the logs. (For example, this can be avoided by not following the log-level concepts.)
  4. The standard log-levels are supported, which are as follows:
    • trace
    • debug
    • info
    • warn
    • error NOTE: The preceding list of log-levels is in sequence from the least serious logged item (trace) to the most serious logged item (error).

Logging mechanism

Zusammen exposes a logging interface that implements the slf4j interface. The interface exposes the

function, so that Zusammen’s classes are able to instantiate and utilize the log-level functions.

The user is able to configure Zusammen to stop plug-ins logging. This is a safety measure against misbehaving plug-ins, and is intended as a mean of separating the signal from noise in production debugging.

Logging Mechanism

Logger Interface